Some Gladiators can be equipped off full Emperors Armour or full Undefined Armour.

If the game is played on a hacked version And the player His level is set to 5. It also works in the demo version but it is more buggy. You will start of with a lot of high stats and equipment. A Major cheat, type, in the name section. If the players re enchants a weapon to have a different type of damage, for the first battle after that, the old enchantment type will occur, but with the damage output of the neer enchantment.

Magic shops buyings wont lower your coin balance, until you are out of the shop, but you cannot spend more than you have. If the two gladiators are too far away from eachother, the player may be unable to use the other side of his attack options. If the player or the enemy is knocked out of the arenas boundaries, numerous bugs can occur cannot move, glitches back and forth. Randomly the player cannot attack or change weapon. In some cases if you use the magic spell whirlwind while holding a bow or crossbow it will hit the opponent wether youre standing close to him or far away from him. Its position between Quake Staff and Dual Maul because it requires 5. Skull Staff mace isnt released at the weapon shop. After being captured and being thrown in the Emperors dungeons you are chosen to become a gladiator. A major bug among most of the online flash versions is that you cannot save your character, even on the full version. Stamina increases total energy increases energy gain from sleeping.

Charisma increases crowd population increases taunt chance and damage decreases item cost from shop. Vitality increases total health increases health regeneration from sleeping. Agility increases movement speed and jump range unlocks sword and range section. Strength increases attack damage including ranged unlocks axe and mace section. There are a total of 8 skills in the game. You take part in lots of tournaments and duels, your goal is to become the champion of the arena from being a weak prisoner to deafeating the powerful and evil Emperor Antares. This is a game based on the Roman gladiators. Swords and Sandals II Emperors Reign Swords and sandals Wiki. Press key 00 gold, key 2 to become level 40 and key 3 to add 40 skill points. Play Swords Sandals 4 Tavern Quests Hacked.